Hawk & Rose

Integrative Women's Work & Wellness

Acupuncture ~ Herbal Medicine ~ Soul Care ~ Mentoring

What We Offer

Your Journey at Hawk & Rose has 3 core values that you experience each time you come in for a session…

1. Relationship – Our goal is to truly see and hear you. We value heart-felt, authentic conversations that support the soul. First time patient sessions are 90-minutes to 2 hours in length, with plenty of time for our one-one-one intake. This is time for you to share some of your medical history as well as life stories that are influencing your desire for healing and support

 2. Attention (Big Picture + All the Details) Reading your elemental energy profile through traditional techniques like pulse diagnosis, we create a picture + plan for your wellness journey. In healing, we pay close attention to symptoms and goals, while also maintaining our capacity to be open to the outcome.

3. Transformation – Healing requires of us, a transformation. Acupuncture or other non-needle therapies, soul care and intuitive coaching for health, life and spiritual connection ALL guide and transform your body, mind and spirit to heal itself. 

Acupuncture Bodywork & East Asian Medicine

Clinical Acupuncture-Focused Healing Session – Initial Session (90 min to 2 hrs)

Follow-up Sessions (60 min)

Acupuncture, moxa, cupping, gua sha, tuning forks, energy work

Diet, Herbs, Detox Focused Session – (30min)

When you would like a more detailed plan to support your healing in this realm.

The Rose Luxe Treatment – Acupuncture + Massage

A therapeutic + luxurious healing session that includes acupuncture & tuning forks followed by 30 minutes of shiatsu massage to integrate the energy work more fully into the physical body. Shiatsu massage is an Eastern-Style acupressure focused and rocking aspected massage, therapeutic for a variety conditions.

Non-Needle Healing Session

For those seeking deep healing and energy balancing without the use of acupuncture needles. Modalities and techniques may include one or more of the following: fire cupping, moxibustion, acupressure, Reiki/Sekhem Energy Healing, Shonishin Japanese tools, tuning forks, & microstim.

Soul Care - Soul repair

 First Soul Care Session: Diagnostics & Life Dream

All healing begins with the soul. What’s happening on the soul level? What are the feelings that need to be addressed and how do you address them? What’s happening at the body level? What’s in the heart and what is wanting your attention to be healed at this time?

Soul repair might also happen in this session: Clearing energetic imprints, programming and previous trauma stored in the body and heart. Returning home of your essential power and energy.

$225/ 75 min

Heart Oracle Reading & Heart Healing

This is for you if you’re seeking to reconnect with your visions, passions, desires, hopes and dreams. 
An oracle reading brings forth messages, images and deeper insights 
about what is in your 4-chambered heart.

What is in my heart and soul that I have forgotten or need to remember right now that will guide me closer to a life of heart and meaning? What wounds of the heart need to be tended and healed at this time?

$225/ 75 min

Womb Healing Ceremony

We begin be drinking rose and mugwort tea. I guide you through a writing process and intentional guided meditation. This will then take us into the soul repair healing and ceremonial re-sacralization of the wombspace, the feminine/yin nature, your relationship with creativity/fertility/earth/mother. We will complete with Moxa (mugwort) on the belly and over the wombspace. 
$225/ 75 min

Ancestral Healing Ceremony

Sometimes our current life challenges are seemingly unresolvable no matter how hard we try… and this is because these patterns can be passed down from generation to generation. We tend to these realms together by calling in your Bright & Well Ancestors that can support and strengthen you and then go into the healing work that is being called for in your bloodlines to break the patterns and bring forward the good, true and beautiful.

$225 / 75 min

Soul Retrieval Ceremony

This session is a longer healing ceremony for deep soul repair and regeneration, supporting you to heal at the  root. Where in your life have you stopped singing, dancing, enjoying storytelling or the sweet territory of silence? Are you seeking reconnection with your joy, confidence, authenticity or the capacity to be present in your life? When we heal ourselves we heal the Earth and all our relations.  

Coaching & Mentorship

SoulWork Mentoring supports your heart-mind, spirit, body and action to go in the same direction. To know who you are at the deepest levels and to be in your center and move from that place.

Receive mirroring, wisdom & practices that support you with embodiment, parts work, ritual, re-wilding, and more.

Move towards clarity, confidence, trust, vulnerability, intimacy and discernment, by committing to YOU.

Pediatric Healing Sessions

Holistic wellness for kids of all ages. From 6 weeks old until age 14, I support the littles, tweens and teens with their health – body, mind and spirit. Afraid of needles? No problem, I use other modalities including Tuning Forks and Shonishin, a Japanese non-needle acupuncture just for kids (and adults too).

First session (with parent or caretaker only) 60 minutes + a follow up session with the child 30 minutes

90 min / $225

Follow-up sessions: 30 min / $88

Follow-up sessions: 15 min / $55


Soul of Fertility Healing Program

If you feel like you’re ready for soul-level wellness that is combined with evidenced-based medical treatment (acupuncture & Chinese medicine), then you have arrived.

Women’s health and fertility support is more than just about treatment, it’s about guiding you into the places that you need to go within yourself and getting the support you need RIGHT NOW to heal in a powerful way. This has a positive impact for all of our relations – both ancestrally as well as future generations. I